Monday, November 23, 2015



feeling or expressing gratitude; appreciative.

Never have I felt so thankful as I have this past year.
Some things I am thankful for:
*My family supporting each other as we maneuvered our way through cancer.
*Friends/family/friends...we might not be blood related, but these are the ones who kept The Garden Gallery up and running, the ones who organized meals, unloaded trucks, made me sit back and heal!
*My mother-in-law, who has shown such grace and courage as she encourages all of us to be strong and  loving.

*My dogs for walking when we needed to walk, jogging when we could.
*Random phone calls, cards and texts.
*Garden Gallery Groupies...I am so appreciative for all the support, love and good vibes you continue to send my way...9 years and counting!  

Have a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving, my friends!  

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